Rent Control Department Office Locked by Landlord for Non-Payment of debts
The landlord of a building occupied by the Rent Control Department of Ghana at Amasaman has locked the space due to the latter’s inability to pay its rent. Mr. Joseph Nsiah Abugri, the landlord whose building the Rent Control Department inhabits, stormed the office and demanded payment of rent debts owed by the government institutions According to Mr. Abugri, the Rent Control Department has failed to pay for its rent for the past five months. He said the Department initially made a two-year advance payment to rent his place; and per an agreement between both parties, the Rent Control Department was to make monthly payments after the two years advance had expired. This, he said, has been a real challenge for the past five months after the two years advance expired. Mr. Abugri said all efforts to collect his money have yielded no positive result. According to him, he reported the issue to the Rent Control Department at Ministries as the law requires of him as a landlord but they directe...